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Prevention at Pitt was recognized as a community champion against sexual violence

June 7, 2024

A crowd of supporters joined Carrie Benson and the Prevention at Pitt team as they received the 2024 Community Champion Award from Pittsburgh Action Against Rape (PAAR).

“I think having an acknowledgement from PAAR feels different than acknowledgement from just about any other entity,” said Benson (EDUC ’12G), director of sexual violence prevention and education in Pitt’s Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. “For me, personally, PAAR is the gold standard. They do incredible work to support survivors.

“For an organization who does what they do so well, who’s so survivor-centered, to say: ‘Hey, we see you and we think you’re doing a great job’ — it’s really validating and it’s incredibly meaningful,” she said.

Read more: Pittwire