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Interim Measures, Accommodations, and Complaints

Interim Measures and Accommodations

As part of the University’s response to bias incident reports, and regardless of whether there has been a request for formal disciplinary or law enforcement action, the University may impose interim measures or offer accommodations to address issues that impact a community member’s educational, living, or work environments. Such interim measures and accommodations are available to all parties involved in the bias incident reported.

These interim measures can often be put in place very quickly, prior to a resolution of a report or external criminal proceeding. Once imposed, the University will take necessary action to enforce the implemented measures. Anyone who becomes aware of, or has a concern about, a community member’s failure to follow any University-imposed interim measure or accommodation should report this concern to our office.

To quickly address a situation, the University, where it determines it is appropriate, may impose a wide range of interim measures, such as:

Implementation of a “No Contact Order” between University members, Assistance with academic or workplace accommodations,

Please contact the Civil Rights & Title IX team at OEDI if you have a need for interim measures. We can assist in supportive measures, even if the party does not wish to file a formal complaint.

  • Change in University-related academic or workplace assignments,
  • Change in University-owned housing or temporary housing accommodations, or
  • Restricting a party’s access to certain University facilities or activities pending resolution.

If you have experienced a bias incident, including those related to sexual misconduct, and you wish for the University to pursue an informal or formal resolution process, you may request to speak to an investigator in our office. Prior to speaking with an investigator, you should report the bias incident you experienced; more information on reporting can be found at Make a Report.

During a complaint process, the person having experienced the alleged incident will be known as the “Complainant.” The person having allegedly conducted themselves in a manner which violates of our policies will be known as the “Respondent.” All parties involved in a resolution process with our office will be granted the same rights and access to resources and support services, including the ability to have an advisor or support person present during any meeting with our office. It should also be noted that Respondents are presumed “not responsible” for the reported conduct unless determined by a preponderance of the evidence standard in accordance with the proper procedural protocol. For more information regarding our policies and their subsequent resolution procedures, please refer to our Policies, Procedures, and Practices.

For most resolution processes, the Complainant has the discretion to file a complaint with our office and request an informal or formal resolution into the matter. Informal resolutions often occur in which our office has an educational meeting with the Respondent to discuss the incident and our policies. Informal resolutions do not require the Complainant to be present nor result in any disciplinary reprimand for the Respondent. Formal resolutions occur in the form of an investigation by our office and may result in disciplinary reprimand for the Respondent. While most investigations do not require parties to meet or communicate directly with other parties, depending on the policy being investigated, a hearing may be addressed in the subsequent procedure in which parties may be required to answers questions through cross examination. At the end of the process, both parties have the right to appeal the decision.

Please be advised, there are certain instances when a bias incident is reported in which the University has a responsibility to act; in these instances, all parties will be notified and provided information regarding resources, support services, and rights in these proceedings.

If you have questions regarding Interim Measures, Accommodations, or Complaints, please contact us.
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