ADA Guidance for Employees (Faculty & Staff)
If you wish to discuss new or existing workplace accommodations on the basis of disability, please complete this form. If you require assistance please call our office at (412) 648-7890 to speak with a member of our staff.
- ADA Guidance
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the University of Pittsburgh (the University) does not discriminate against applicants, employees, students, or guests with qualifying disabilities.
It is the policy of the University to comply with the ADA and all related federal, state and local laws, regarding employment of persons with disabilities in every respect, including application procedures, hiring, advancement, discharge, compensation, training, and other terms/conditions of employment.
This guidance describes the procedures that University employees (including faculty and staff) should use when they believe they require a reasonable accommodation for an ADA-qualifying disability. This guidance also describes the discrimination, harassment, and retaliation protections provided by the ADA and the process employees should use if they believe their ADA rights have been violated.
- Procedures
When an applicant or employee with an ADA-qualifying disability requests accommodation, the University will grant a reasonable accommodation, provided that doing so does not present an undue hardship or cause a direct threat to workplace safety. This section describes the procedures by which an applicant/employee should request a reasonable accommodation.
1. If now, or at any point in your employment, you are experiencing a condition/impairment that you believe substantially limits one or more major life activities, you may have a qualifying disability within the meaning of the ADA.
If you believe you need a reasonable accommodation because of this condition/impairment in order to perform the essential functions of your job, please complete the form in the link below or contact the office of Disability Resources and Services (412) 648-7890 to discuss your condition and the nature of your request for accommodation.
2. If the University deems it appropriate in accordance with the ADA, you will be given an ADA Questionnaire to take to your healthcare provider. The purpose of the ADA Questionnaire is to assist the University in determining whether you: (a) have a qualifying disability within the meaning of the ADA; and (b) if so, whether you can perform the essential functions of your job, with or without reasonable accommodation(s).
3. If the University determines that your condition/impairment is an ADA-qualifying disability, the University will determine through the interactive process, which includes advice of your healthcare provider, whether or not you need a reasonable accommodation to perform the essential functions of your job, the duration of your need for a reasonable accommodation, and what, specific, reasonable accommodation(s) the University will provide.
Where the University determines that your condition does not constitute an ADA-qualifying disability or where your request for accommodation is not reasonable within the meaning of the ADA, the University reserves the right to deny your request for reasonable accommodation and/or to grant you a non-ADA accommodation as a courtesy.
The University reserves the right to periodically require the employee to provide a recertification of the employee’s need for the accommodation.
- Relationship to Other University Policies
Where an employee requires time off from work as a reasonable accommodation under the ADA, the employee will generally be required to concurrently exhaust all available paid time off and Family Medical Leave Act leave (if applicable).
Employees may also request concurrent time off and/or job modifications in accordance with the other applicable University Leave Policies found in the Faculty/Staff Handbook.
- Discrimination and Retaliation Prohibited
In accordance with the ADA, the University strictly prohibits discrimination and harassment of applicants/employees with qualifying disabilities. If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination/harassment on this basis, you should report it to your immediate supervisor and/or the Institutional Equity Manager in the Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (412)648-7860.
The University also strictly prohibits retaliation against any individual who requests a reasonable accommodation, complains about disability discrimination/harassment, and/or participates as a witness in an investigation of alleged disability discrimination/harassment. Likewise, if you believe you have been subjected to retaliation as described herein, you should report it to your immediate supervisor and/or Institutional Equity Manager in the Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (412)648-7860.
In turn, the University will conduct a prompt and thorough investigation, during which your confidentiality will be protected to the greatest extent practicable. Employees determined to have engaged in disability discrimination, harassment or retaliation shall be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment.
Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) Guidance
If you are experiencing limitations due to pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition and require an accommodation(s) to manage those limitations, please complete this form.
- PWFA Guidance
The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) requires employers, such as the University of Pittsburgh, to provide reasonable accommodations for employees or applicants with known limitations related to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. Pregnancy-related conditions covered by the PWFA include the normal physical changes of pregnancy and childbirth, and complications of pregnancy.
The PWFA requires the University to engage in the interactive process to identify reasonable accommodations. Under the PWFA, reasonable accommodations are intended to enable an employee to remain in active work status.
The PWFA does not replace existing laws that protect workers affected by pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, nor does it alter employer obligations or employee rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
- Procedures
1. If you are experiencing limitations due to pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition and require an accommodation(s) to manage those limitations, please complete this form.
2. Once the form is completed, DRS will work with you to understand any limitations you are experiencing due to pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition. Based on the limitations shared, DRS will explore with you any accommodations that may be effective or appropriate. Depending on the nature of the accommodation, you may be requested to submit a statement from a health care provider substantiating the need for the accommodation.
3. DRS will then contact your supervisor and any appropriate partners, including HR, to discuss the requested accommodations and how they impact the unit, its operations, and other considerations. Based on this information, DRS will help determine what, if any, reasonable accommodations can be provided to you under the PWFA.
4. Any reasonable accommodations identified will then be provided by your department.
The PWFA anticipates that many of the accommodations will be temporary in nature and as such, DRS will initiate a review of any accommodations after the end of the pregnancy (if the accommodation is related to pregnancy) or six months after childbirth (if the accommodation is related to childbirth).