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Religious Resources

The University respects and values religious and spiritual diversity. This page provides Pitt students, faculty, and staff with information pertaining to religious groups and organizations both on and off campus.  

Religious Accommodations 

Religious accommodations as defined by the OFCCP for faculty and staff, are alterations in the job and/or term of employment to allow for the practice of individual moral and ethical beliefs. These beliefs, governing the individual’s perception of right and wrong, must be sincerely held with the conviction of traditional religious views.

Students may request absence from class because of religious observance; please review Memo on Religious Observances and Student Well-Being during the Academic Year. If there is another type of request, please contact OEDI.  

If you would like to request a religious accommodations, email the OEDI Civil Rights and Title IX Team.

Community Resources 

Islamic Center of Pittsburgh

The Islamic Center of Pittsburgh serves to encourage a sense of community among people of all faiths and followings in the Pittsburgh area.

Religious Services for Special Needs

The Autism Society of Pittsburgh provides a list of autism-friendly opportunities for religious worship.

The Welcome Table (LGBTQ-affirming ministry for Roman Catholics)

The Welcome Table Catholic LGBTQ Community includes LGBTQ people who are active, struggling, and former Catholics, as well as families and allies. Led by the Holy Spirit we work to create a space of genuine hospitality and openness where questions may be asked, experiences shared, wounds healed, and spiritual lives deepened without fear of judgment based on one's sexual orientation or gender identity.

Independent Student Religious Groups

The University is home to numerous independent student groups focusing on religion. These individual student run organizations are open to any student at the university and include: 

Acts 2 Fellowship

Adventist Students Living for Christ

Agape Christian Ministry

Alpha Omega Campus Ministry      

Anointed Steps of Faith

Asian Christian Fellowship

Asian Intervarsity Christian Fellowship

Bible Center Fellowship

Catholic Newman Club

Central Church Student Fellowship

Chabad House on Campus

Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship

Chinese Bible Study Fellowship

Christians on Campus

Coptic Orthodox Youth Association

Cornerstone Christian Ministry

Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ International)

Episcopal Students Association

Ignite: InterVarsity's Black Student Movement

Lutheran Student Fellowship

Muslim Student Association

New Life Christian Fellowship

Newman Catholic Graduate Student Association

Pitt Hillel

Pittsburgh Students Active in Lutheran Ministry

Reformed University Fellowship

Religion Society

Some of God's Children Gospel Choir

University Resources

Department of Religious Studies

The Department of Religious Studies provides classes, a major, and a minor for both undergraduate and graduate level students.

University of Pittsburgh Association of Chaplaincies

UPAC exists to provide links with the religious organizations that wish to serve the University community.

Office of Interfaith Dialogue and Engagement

This Office in Student Affairs focuses on providing the University of Pittsburgh and surrounding communities with opportunities to engage in rich interfaith dialogue through a variety of engaging activities, workshops, events, and initiatives that enhance personal spiritual identity and communal connections.

Search All Other Student Organizations


Local places of worship

Many religious places of worship surround the University and Pittsburgh’s Oakland neighborhood, including:

Heinz Memorial Chapel, University of Pittsburgh (times vary during University holidays and breaks, check website for details)

  • Sundays, 8 p.m.: Compline
  • Mondays, 7 p.m.: Lutheran Worship Service
  • Tuesdays, 9 p.m.: Acts 2 Fellowship Prayer Time
  • Wednesdays, 9 p.m., Catholic Newman Club Mass
  • Thursdays (1st and 3rd), 8:30 p.m.: Coptic Orthodox Tasbeha (Midnight Praises)

Anglican (ACNA):




Greek Orthodox:







Roman Catholic:

Holiday Calendar

This calendar includes significant religious observances of some of the major faiths represented at the University of Pittsburgh. Bahai, Jewish, and Islamic holidays begin at sundown and end at sundown the following day. It also includes U.S. legal holidays observed in the United States, as well as other important national or international observances.

Religious Observances Guidelines

The Office of the Provost maintains the University's guidelines on religious observances.

Working Definitions

As an aid to understanding, OEDI offers links to resources about antisemitism and Islamophobia. These definitions are not University policy and are provided for learning and discussion purposes.