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DEI & Accessibility Mini Grants

Call for Proposals

The University of Pittsburgh is committed to creating and improving efforts to make our campus a diverse and inclusive community. To support these efforts which align with the university’s Plan for Pitt, the Office for Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion, is soliciting proposals for the implementation of equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility initiatives and research projects that further the academic mission of the university. 

Mini Grant Application Deadline

Proposers should submit an online OEDI Mini Grant Application no later than September 30th for the fall grant cycle and January 31st for the spring grant cycle. The final results will be announced to all participants promptly after the deadline.

Proposals must be submitted in their completed form (that is, with full information concerning all aspects of the initiative and/or program).

Apply Now

Mini Grant Details

Goals of the OEDI Mini Grant Program
  1. To encourage faculty, staff, and students to be actively involved in developing or implementing initiatives and programs that support the University's goals for building a diverse and inclusive campus community;
  2. To fund research initiatives and programs that seek innovative approaches to equity, diversity, and inclusion; and
  3. To promote the development of initiatives and programs that help create and sustain a university-wide culture that understands that diversity, equity, and inclusion are essential to the University’s mission and continued excellence

Through this program, we hope to generate ideas, foster initiatives, and stimulate educational efforts that are tailored to the needs of the University of Pittsburgh. 

Target Areas

Proposals for initiatives and programs in one or more of the following target areas are encouraged:

  • Enrich the multicultural experiences of the University community;
  • Create a welcoming and inclusive environment that prioritizes an inclusive sense of belonging where all university community members are welcomed, supported, and affirmed.
  • Improve recruitment, retention, and graduation of students from historically underrepresented groups;
  • Increase recruitment, retention and development of faculty and staff from historically underrepresented groups; and
  • Enhance the quality of teaching and learning, specifically incorporating equity into aspects of teaching and learning.
Award Committee

An OEDI award committee, made up of representatives from Pitt Communities and the Inclusion Network, will be charged with reviewing and making recommendations to the Vice Chancellor of Diversity and Inclusion for approval. The final results will be announced to all participants promptly after the deadline.

Mini Grant applications will be received and reviewed twice an academic year:

  • Submissions open Sept. 1 and close Sept. 30, with grants awarded Oct. 9.
  • Submissions open Jan. 8 and close Jan. 31, with grants awarded Feb. 7.
Grant Amount

OEDI mini grants serve to enhance or build an initiative or program that furthers the mission and the Plan for Pitt Grant proposals may request a maximum of $2,000. Each area is only eligible for one mini grant per academic year.

Proposal Requirements

All University of Pittsburgh faculty, staff and students are eligible to submit proposals. Proposals may specify partnerships with other University units or groups from the community willing to invest in the diversity initiative or program. Letter(s) of Support are welcome but not required.

Proposals must be submitted electronically using the online OEDI Mini Grant Application.

Proposals must be submitted in their completed form (that is, with full information concerning all aspects of the initiative and/or program).

Commitment to providing a report before funds are dispersed.

Proposal Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:

Need: The extent to which the proposed initiative meets a clearly defined need at the University or surrounding community.

Impact: The proposed initiative’s expected effectiveness and impact in addressing one or more of the five target areas.

Ownership: The extent to which the proposed strategy shows that the proposer’s unit (college, department, unit) takes substantial ownership for and commitment to the initiative and/or program.

Sustainability: The extent to which the diversity initiative is designed to build initiatives and/or program, showing development toward a sustained and continuing effort.

Collaboration: The extent to which the proposed initiative and/or program promotes partnerships among faculty, staff, and students to address the targeted area.

Scholarship: The extend to which the initiative helps to drive new knowledge/understanding

Award Requirements

As a condition of receiving the funds, awardees are required to complete a final report, submitted to the Office for Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion within three (3) months after the award has been disbursed. Your report should be limited to 1,000 words. 

The final report should include the following information: 

Program objectives and impacts: How was the identified need addressed and how effective was the project?

Project evaluation: Describe how the project effectiveness was evaluated.

Sustainability: Will the program continue? Describe plans to continue, extend, or modify this program for the future.

List any publications about this project to the broader community through presentations, articles, press releases or other media coverage and any products created through this project, such as websites, course materials or modules or other items.