Implementation Resources

Policy and Procedure

The University of Pittsburgh is committed to ensuring equal access by making its websites and all other electronic and information technology accessible to all users.  The EIT Accessibility Policy establishes the standards for the accessibility of electronic information and technology (EIT) necessary to meet this goal and comply with all applicable laws and regulations while the procedures establish the processes necessary to meet this goal. 

EIT Accessibility Policy

EIT Accessibility Procedure

Key compliance elements from the policy and procedure are outlined below with additional details and resources to support their implementation.

Implementation Plans

All schools, departments and units are required to submit to the Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion an implementation plan that outlines individual decisions and strategies about how to best meet the requirements of the EIT Accessibility Policy.  These implementation plans are the basis for measuring the progress of the unit’s accessibility efforts.  Implementation plans are submitted every 4 years.

Implementation Plan Template

Annual Reports

All schools, departments, and units are also required to submit annual reports to OEDI that details efforts made to comply with the EIT Accessibility Policy.  These reports will allow the University to assess its institutional progress and offer an opportunity for schools, departments, and units to report their yearly accessibility progress and efforts.

Annual Report Template


The policy allows for exceptions if any of the following circumstances are demonstrated. 

  • Where compliance is not technically possible or may require extraordinary measures due to the nature or intended use of the information resource, application or service. Lack of sufficient funding for any particular area of the University would not be considered as the sole reason for an exception.
  • Where compliance would result in a fundamental alteration of the information resource, application, or service, and not satisfy the original intent.
  • Where, in the case that information resources, applications and services that are procured through third party vendors or contractors; and that no alternative accessible products are available from other third-party vendors or contractors, procurement may be made of a non-compliant product.
  • Where the product is not currently in compliance, but efforts are underway to fix the defects by a defined date.

To demonstrate that any of those circumstances exist, purchasers and developers of EIT must complete the EIT Exceptions form and submit it to OEDI for review. 

Exception Request Form (PDF)

Exception Request Form (Qualtrics)

Exception Request Form Sample

Compliance Program

In order to ensure compliance with the EIT Accessibility Policy and continuous improvement toward full inclusion, a compliance program has been designed to include continuous or regular monitoring by both individual units and OEDI as well as an internal review process to provide a more robust check.

Compliance program overview

Compliance program flow chart