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Shattering the Statistics

Shattering the Statistics

The University of Pittsburgh’s Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Office offers an educational series, Shattering the Statistics: A Collective Effort Towards Ending Sexual Violence.  This series is targeted towards the University community to explore and bring awareness to issues around sexual misconduct and ongoing prevention initiatives. 

Upcoming Events

Past Events

Black Female Survivors and Sexual Trauma 

Feb. 18, 2021 — 1 in 5 Black women have experienced sexual violence (DOJ), yet their stories are not often heard. Only 6% of Black women who have experienced sexual violence report it. The fifth installment of Shattering the Statistics: A Collective Effort Towards Ending Sexual Violence featured a panel of experts who focused on Black female survivors and sexual trauma.


Kristy Trautmann — Executive Director, FISA Foundation

Lynissa Stokes, PhD — Post-doctoral Scholar, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh

Rhonda Fleming — Director of Education and Outreach, Women’s Center and Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh

Shayla Sojourner — Lead Case Manager, Pittsburgh Action Against Rape (PAAR)


Anu jain — Executive Director, Gender Equity Commission, City of Pittsburgh

Paula Davis — Associate Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Health Sciences, University of Pittsburgh

Sexual Violence Against Trans and Nonbinary Community Members

Dec. 15, 2020 — The AAU climate survey on sexual assault and sexual misconduct highlighted that trans and nonbinary students experience high rates of victimization. The fourth installment of Shattering the Statistics featured a panel of experts who discussed sexual violence against trans and non-binary community members.  This conversation included a discussion of prevention initiatives and support resources.


Dr. Julie Beaulieu — Lecturer 2, Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies, University of Pittsburgh

Avi Diamond — LGBTQ Outreach Advocate, Women's Center and Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh

Dr. Rachel Gartner — Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh

Kirsten Lipsky — Undergraduate Student Activist, University of Pittsburgh

Anna Shaw — MSW Candidate 2021, University Counseling Center Intern, University of Pittsburgh

Taylor Waits — Co-Founder, Change Rape Culture; Rhetoric and Writing Doctoral Candidate, University of Pittsburgh


Max Reiver — Undergraduate Student, University of Pittsburgh; President, T is For, University of Pittsburgh

Seth Young — Psychological Services Clinician, University Wellness Center, University of Pittsburgh

A Roundtable on Military Sexual Trauma

Nov.17, 2020 — The third installment of the series, Shattering the Statistics, featured a panel of experts who discussed various aspects of military sexual trauma.


Meghan Gorman — Title IX/Equity Investigator, University of Pittsburgh; JAG Corps, United States Army

Aryanna Berringer — Director, Office of Veterans Services, University of Pittsburgh; U.S. Army Veteran

Seth Young — Psychological Services Clinician, University Wellness Center, University of Pittsburgh

Christie Hudson — Readjustment Counseling Therapist, U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs

Unpacking the New Title IX Regulations

Oct. 22, 2020 — The second installment of Shattering the Statistics featured a panel of experts who discussed the new Title IX regulations mandated by the Department of Education. The panel discussed Title IX regulations from both a Pitt-specific and general higher-education perspective.


Deborah Brake — Associate Dean for Research & Faculty Development, School of Law, University of Pittsburgh

Karina Chavez — Executive Director, Pittsburgh Council on Higher Education (PCHE)

Thomas Hitter — Assistant Vice Chancellor for Policy Development and Management, University of Pittsburgh

Katie Pope — Associate Vice Chancellor of Civil Rights and Title IX, University of Pittsburgh

Megan Schroeder — Supervisor of Victim Response, Pittsburgh Action Against Rape (PAAR)


Aarti Patel — SAFE Peer Educator, University of Pittsburgh

Clyde Pickett — Vice Chancellor, Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, University of Pittsburgh

Defining the Problem

The first installment in the series was titled Defining the Problem and it explored statistics and trends regarding sexual violence and relationship violence, with an emphasis on college campuses. 


Dr. Jay Darr — Director, University Counseling Center, University of Pittsburgh

Amy Filip — SAFE Peer Educator, University of Pittsburgh

Dr. Rachel E. Gartner — Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh

Dr. Danny Jacobson Lopez — Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, University of Pittsburgh

Dr. Elizabeth Miller — Professor in Pediatrics, Public Health, and Clinical and Translational Science, University of Pittsburgh; Co-Director of Planning for the Pittsburgh Study; Director of the Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine, UPMC

Jasmine Rivera — Director of Victim Response, Pittsburgh Action Against Rape


Eric Macadangdang — Student Government Board President, University of Pittsburgh

Carrie Benson — Prevention and Education Coordinator, Sexual Violence and Education Office, University of Pittsburgh