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What to Expect When Reporting

Reporting bias incidents of harassment and discrimination—including incidents of sexual misconduct—is an individual decision. While the University encourages parties to report misconduct, we recognize that making a report may not be the right decision for everyone. Beyond direct reporting, various options for reporting are available for parties to consider regarding Anonymous Reporting, Confidentiality, and Retaliation.

The OEDI Civil Rights and Title IX team can talk with any person affected by a bias incident about various reporting options. Meeting with a staff member does not mean you must file a formal complaint or report to another entity, including law enforcement agencies.

How Reports are Processed

All reports will be reviewed by the Civil Rights &Title IX team. Once you have submitted a report, if you provided contact information, a staff member will follow-up with you and may provide referrals to support resources. Reports will be reviewed during University business hours—Monday-Friday, 8:30am – 5:00pm. Reports received after business hours will generally be reviewed during the next business day.

Because the University may have an obligation to address certain reports, we cannot guarantee complete confidentiality where it would conflict with the University’s obligation to investigate meaningfully or, where warranted, take corrective action. Regardless of the situation, personal information will generally only be shared with individuals on a need-to-know basis, in compliance with University policy. In addition, retaliation for filing a bias incident report is strictly prohibited.

Meeting with Our Office

If you have made a bias incident report or have been identified as someone having experienced a bias incident, it is the reporting party’s decision to participate in a meeting with our office. Our office will attempt to contact you to discuss your personal needs, make appropriate referrals to campus and community resources, and can discuss available interim measures, accommodations, and processes for resolution.

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